How Do I Know My Nose is Broken?

Nasal fractures occur frequently following facial trauma. In many cases, fractures are accompanied by bruising, swelling, bleeding, distortion of nasal structure, deviation of the nose, and difficulty breathing through the nose.

In many cases, the diagnosis of a nasal fracture is relatively simple. Some patients have obvious deformities such as nasal flattening or significant nasal deviation, which makes the diagnosis apparent. In other cases, the diagnosis of a nasal fracture can be very difficult because of swelling. In these cases, swelling may need to resolve before the diagnosis can be made.

When patients have obvious or displaced nasal fractures, they will usually require corrective surgery. Not all nasal fractures require treatment. In some cases, the bone and cartilage are not displaced and because of this, surgery is not necessary. 

When corrective surgery is performed within three weeks of the fracture, closed nasal reduction is performed. This is a relatively simple procedure that re-positions and stabilizes the nasal bones. If repair is not done within three weeks of injury, correction should be delayed for one year and then a formal rhinoplasty performed. 

Tummy Tuck Recovery

Abdominoplasty removes excess abdominal skin while simultaneously tightening the abdominal muscles. Patients can anticipate limited physical activity for ten to fourteen days following surgery. We typically tell our patients bathroom and kitchen privileges initially with slow resumption of normal activity over the next two weeks. Patients can usually return to work in two weeks if no strenuous activity or heavy lifting is involved. After six weeks, they can resume all their normal activities including heavy lifting.

Patients typically wear an abdominal binder for three weeks following surgery. This minimizes swelling and increases comfort. Drains are placed at the time of surgery and are usually removed within two weeks of surgery. Pain management is extremely important, especially when the abdominal muscles are tightened. Most patients are initially given narcotic pain relievers and switched to double strength Tylenol five to seven days following surgery.

Patients with small children should have assistance with childcare for at least one week and patients should not drive while taking narcotics.

For many patients, abdominoplasty is a life-changing experience. After unsuccessful dieting and exercise programs, this procedure results in dramatic changes in self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-image.

Cold Compresses After Blepharoplasty?

In the first 24-48 hours following blepharoplasty surgery, we recommend cold compresses. Our primary concern during this time period is bruising and swelling. We feel that cold causes the small blood vessels in the eyelids to constrict. This potentially minimizes bleeding and swelling and makes patients more comfortable in the early postoperative period. 

After 48 hours, we feel that the impact of cold compresses on bleeding and swelling is minimal. Despite this, many patients continue to use cold compresses because they find them soothing.
Swelling and bruising are potentially significant problems in the postoperative period. We therefore utilize cold compresses, elevation of the head, and avoidance of strenuous activities that can increase blood pressure. When these steps are taken, patients have lower complication rates and a more comfortable recovery.

Improved General Anesthesia for Cosmetic Surgery

The science of anesthesia has made dramatic advances in the past twenty years. In the past, inhalation anesthesia resulted in slower recoveries with more nausea. Current anesthesia techniques allow patients to wake up almost immediately following the completion of surgery. It’s also important to note that newer anesthetic agents are associated with less nausea following surgery. In addition, most patients are ready to leave the surgical facility within one to two hours following the completion of their procedure.

The response to anesthesia varies from patient to patient. It’s fair to say that anesthesia is often the most frequent source of anxiety for patients undergoing cosmetic surgery. It’s also fair to say that most patients are very happy with their anesthetic experience after surgery. If you have concerns regarding your anesthetic experience, make sure you discuss them with your anesthesiologist. This will ultimately alleviate your anxiety and improve the quality of your surgical experience.