When Bigger is Too Big

Many women have breasts that are so large that they disrupt the quality of their lives. In 2011, the American Society of Plastic Surgery reported that over 63,000 breast reductions were performed in the United States. Patients with large breasts not only have an aesthetic deformity, but the condition frequently results in a functional disability as well.

Women with large breasts complain of back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, and pain within the breasts themselves. They often have skin rashes and skin breakdown beneath the fields of their breasts. Many women have decreased exercise tolerance, and because of this, they have to give up activities that they have historically enjoyed and as a result, gain weight elsewhere. They have difficulty with finding clothes that fit and are relegated to wearing loose fitting garments, such as sweaters and T-shirts. They feel that people frequently stare at them and this adversely impacts self-esteem, self-image, and self-confidence. It can result in anxiety and depression which can cause sexual and social inhibition. It can also significantly impact the quality of day-to-day life.

A multitude of studies have shown significant improvement in physical symptoms, such as back, neck, shoulder, and breast pain with breast reduction. These studies have also shown improvement in associated breast rashes with reduction surgery.

A recent study looked at quality of life issues in patients who have undergone breast reduction. The study showed significant improvement in quality of life issues. Patients had a 95% improvement in the quality of their professional and social lives, 94% reported improved self-esteem, 53% had improved self-confidence, and 95% felt that it had a positive impact on their sexual and personal relationships.

Another study looked at the aesthetic results of breast reduction surgery. This study showed that 80% of patients graded their aesthetic result as good or very good following breast reduction.

At Aesthetic Surgical Images, we feel that breast reduction can be a life-changing experience and is associated with some of the highest satisfaction rates that we see in our practice. Patients typically have alleviation of symptoms, improved aesthetics, and improved self-esteem.