Swimming Guidelines Following Cosmetic Surgery

Patients are eager to return to normal activity as soon as possible following cosmetic surgery. Unfortunately, returning to normal activity too soon can result in an increased potential for complications.

Swimming and spending time in the Jacuzzi are both activities that could potentially have negative consequences if resumed too soon. Theoretically, once the skin edges have sealed in about 48 hours following surgery, these activities can be resumed. In reality, many patients have drains in place for three weeks or longer. Additionally, small absorbable interrupted sutures may break through the skin and become exposed. In this situation, infection could occur in a patient who is submerged in a Jacuzzi, pool, pond, or ocean. Each of these environments may have unique, and in many cases, antibiotic resistant bacteria that could lead to a significant infection.

In addition, plastic surgeons generally don’t recommend resumption of strenuous activities for at least six weeks following cosmetic surgery. Swimming can create significant strain on the core muscles of the abdomen and should therefore be avoided in the immediate post-operative period.

Finally, skin may not have normal sensation immediately after surgery. This can potentially lead to burns and scald-type injuries from a hot Jacuzzi.

It’s important to remember that every patient’s procedure and postoperative course is unique. For these reasons, make sure you consult your plastic surgeon before getting into the water.