Male Botox Injections Increasing in Popularity

It’s safe to say that Botox injections are no longer just for the ladies. At Aesthetic Surgical Images, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of men who request Botox. Recent data from the American Society of Plastic Surgery has demonstrated a 258 percent increase in the use of Botox amongst men in the past ten years. Between 15 to 30 percent of all Botox users are now men and it is the most popular cosmetic procedure amongst men.

Male Botox injections have popularly become known as “brotox.” Men typically have a different set of aesthetic goals when compared to women. Most men are not interested in looking different following Botox injections and therefore request subtle changes.

How Long Does a Facelift Last?

A variety of factors affect how long a facelift lasts. These include: the type of procedure performed, the skill of the surgeon, the genetics of the patients, the amount of sun damage, and the patient’s lifestyle decisions such as cigarette smoking. All of these factors impact the result of facelift procedures and their longevity.

It’s important to realize that facelifts turn the clock back, but don’t stop the clock from ticking. Most surgeons will tell you that the procedure will generally last about ten years. We feel that if a facelift makes you look 15 years younger, you should be back to your original starting point in approximately 15 years.

Using this logic, more aggressive procedures will set the clock back further and hence tend to last longer. A SMAS procedure (where the deeper tissues are tightened) would be expected to have a greater impact than a mini-facelift and would therefore be expected to last longer.

Five Benefits of Breast Reduction

Patients who undergo breast reduction surgery for breast hypertrophy have extremely high satisfaction rates. At Aesthetic Surgical Images, we feel that this operation may be a life-changing experience for some women. There are five major reasons for this significant improvement in quality of life:

1. Patients who undergo breast reduction have significant improvement in their symptoms.

Symptomatic breast enlargement is associated with: back pain, neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, bra strap indentations, numbness on the inner aspect of the arms, areas of chafing and infection beneath the folds of the breast, and pain within the breast themselves. Most women see significant improvement in their symptoms following breast reduction.

2. Increase in exercise tolerance.

Many patients who undergo breast reduction report improved exercise tolerance. Many ultimately lose weight elsewhere as they resume activities that they have historically abandoned. 

3. Breast reduction results in improved breast aesthetics.

The aesthetic goals of breast reduction include balance and harmony with the surrounding anatomic structures, reduction in areola size, and correction of breast sag, which typically occurs with breast hypertrophy. Scarring can occur but over the course of time these usually fade and become acceptable to patients. 

Cosmetic Surgery for Bullying

Bullying appears to have reached epidemic proportions in the United States. It is estimated that 160,000 American students refuse to go to school each day because of physical and verbal abuse from other students. Some studies now suggest that the stress associated with bullying can cause medical problems later in life. There appears to be a higher incidence of hypertension, depression, and often diabetes in adults who were bullied as children. With the internet, cyber-bullying is a new phenomena increasing at an exceptional rate.

Developmental psychologists note that children start perceiving differences between themselves and others at around five years of age. Once this happens, the stage is potentially set for bullying to occur.

Being different from others isn’t always easy and sometimes these differences are utilized to ridicule the individual. Children with large ears are frequently called “Dumbo.” Teenage girls with large or small breasts are frequently made fun of and stared at. Young men with abnormal breast development, a condition known as gynecomastia, are frequently unwilling to take their shirt off because of teasing. Children with nasal deformities are frequently made fun of and called names like “banana nose.”