The Ideal Weight for Mommy Makeover Surgery

There’s no question that being close to your ideal body weight improves the results from mommy makeover surgery. It also decreases the potential for complications with this type of procedure. For these reasons, we prefer that patients be within 10% of their ideal body weight at the time of surgery.

Unfortunately, reaching an ideal body weight is easier said than done. The vast majority of patients are unsuccessful at losing this additional weight. It’s also important to realize that even when patients are overweight, they can potentially benefit from mommy makeover surgery. We therefore evaluate every patient on an individual basis. We encourage patients to lose weight before surgery and prefer that their weight be stable for at least three months. We realize that some patients will have difficulty losing weight. We therefore encourage patients to be in a supervised weight loss program. Even with that help, some patients will be unsuccessful in their effort to lose weight. Even without weight loss, many of these patients will still potentially benefit from mommy makeover surgery.

It’s important to realize that weight loss following mommy makeover surgery can affect the final result. This could even result in the need for revisional surgery. For these reasons, it’s important to thoroughly discuss this issue with your plastic surgeon. 

Are Your Lips Kissable-Ready for Valentine’s Day?

Surgical Images is pleased to announce a Valentine Special Offer!
Enjoy $100 Off Botox & Juvederm and receive a complimentary computer imaging session for the procedure of your choice throughout the month of February!

Kiss those lines goodbye and obtain soft, fuller lips with Botox & Juvederm. Botox helps lessen the appearance of frown lines between the brows and around the eyes, and Juvederm helps smooth out the wrinkles and folds on your face. Juvederm is also used to achieve enhanced and fuller lips.

Give yourself something to smile about! Call 402.390.0100!

This offer is not valid with any other special offers. One offer per patient.
Redeemable in the entire month
of February.

When to start basic cardio exercises after breast augmentation

Recovery varies from patient to patient following breast augmentation surgery. We generally recommend that patients avoid strenuous activities including running for at least six weeks following surgery.

Running in the immediate post-operative period has the potential to cause the breast to bottom out. The constant bouncing of the implants within a freshly formed breast pocket can cause the pocket to expand inferiorly. Capsule formation acts to stabilize the implant pocket, but may take weeks to occur. In some cases, two weeks may be adequate, while longer periods may be necessary in other cases.

Physics suggest that larger implants would be more likely to stretch the pocket and skin, while compressive support bras would minimize the phenomena.

Early resumption of strenuous activities such as weight lifting may be associated with post-operative bleeding and hematoma formation as well. For this reason, these activities should also be avoided.

In some cases, low impact cardio exercise such as elliptical, spinning and stair stepping exercises may be resumed as early as two weeks following surgery.

It’s very hard for women who exercise regularly to give up their work out routines. For these patients, it almost represents an addiction. If you’re considering an early return to strenuous exercise, it’s important that you discuss the issue with your plastic surgeon before proceeding. Your surgeon will have important information regarding your situation and when it’s safe to resume all activities. 

Arm Lift Scar Position

When women undergo brachioplasty surgery an incision is made from the elbow to the axilla. Through this incision, excess skin and fat can be removed in both the transverse and vertical dimensions of the upper arm. The exact placement of this incision is dependent upon several

In the majority of cases, the incision is placed on the inner arm between the biceps and triceps muscles. In this position the scars are well hidden when the arms are at the patient’s side. When patients raise their arms, the scars become more noticeable.
Occasionally, women prefer scars that are more posteriorly located. In this position, scars don’t tend to spread as much because the skin is thicker in this location.

It’s important to understand that scarring is inevitable with this procedure, irregardless of the incision placement. The most important variable in scar formation is the patients wound healing biology. This varies from patient to patient and for this reason incision placement needs to be individualized.

If you’re considering brachioplasty, it’s important to discuss these issues with a board certified plastic surgeon before proceeding. This surgeon should be able to formulate a treatment plan that addresses this issue.

Coolsculpting Complications

Coolsculpting has been available in the United States for several years and in Europe for a much longer period of time. Over 50,000 patients have undergone Coolsculpting safely with minimal complications.

The procedure involves placing an applicator head over the involved area. Suction is then applied, which draws the soft tissue into the device where it’s held in place. The skin and fat are then cooled in a controlled manner. Upon completion of treatment, the involved area is gently massaged to smooth contour irregularities that have been created by the device.

Patients typically describe an uncomfortable feeling as if a block of ice was being held against the area. Within ten minutes, the area becomes numb and patients become more comfortable. At this point they are able to read a book, watch a DVD, listen to music or sleep.
A small number of patients experience bruising and swelling which spontaneously resolves in 2-3 days. Occasionally, patients experience pain which is often described as dull and achy. This also resolves quickly.
Rarely, nausea can occur when abdominal Coolsculpting is performed and is probably secondary to traction on the abdominal contents. This is fortunately uncommon and quickly resolves on its own.

These problems occur sporadically and don’t appear to be modulated by mechanical factors such as applicator size. At this time, no long term complications have been identified with this procedure. The procedure is associated with high satisfaction rates and is an excellent option for treating localized adiposity.