Plastic Surgery and Insurance Coverage – Do They Go Hand in Hand?

Patients who visit Surgical Images often wonder if their cosmetic surgery in Omaha will be covered by their insurance policy.

It depends!

If your insurance company deems your procedure as “medically necessary,” your surgery will probably be covered. In some cases, a portion of your surgery will be covered, since there will be a functional improvement, while the cosmetic enhancement will not be covered. Sometimes, a “medically necessary” procedure will not be covered, due to your insurance contract exclusion.

A breast reduction for a patient experiencing chronic back pain, an upper blepharoplasty performed to correct obstructed vision, and a septoplasty (within a rhinoplasty) done to improve a patient’s breathing are all examples of procedures which may be covered insurance companies. In rhinoplasty – any cosmetic enhancements made during the procedures are typically not covered.

It is important to recognize that not all insurance plans are not same.  Prior to planning any plastic surgery procedure, schedule a consultation with one of the board certified plastic surgeons of ASI to discuss your goals. After evaluating your concerns, your surgeon will send a prior authorization letter to your insurance company to verify your coverage. Once approved, you will be responsible for any deductible and co-payments, as outlined in your insurance policy.

Contact us for any more information or to schedule your initial consultation.