Exercise Following Breast Augmentation

Recovery times following breast augmentation surgery vary from patient to patient. These times are significantly impacted by the nature of the procedure, the patient’s employment, and the patient’s social situation. It’s important to realize that even though breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure, it’s still a significant operation with associated risk. For this reason, premature return to normal activity can result in an increased incidence of complications.
We generally recommend light activity for the first week following the procedure. After one week, patients are allowed to gradually resume normal non- strenuous activities. Strenuous activities and heavy lifting are not allowed for at least six weeks in most cases. At six weeks, most patients are able to resume all of their normal activities.

It’s important to remember that every patient is unique. The specifics of their employment, exercise routine, and surgical procedure will have a significant impact upon their recovery. Make sure you discuss this issue with your surgeon. Your surgeon’s insights regarding your procedure will provide important information regarding when you can resume your exercise routine. Your breast augmentation represents a significant investment. The best way to protect that investment is to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions.