Recovery Following Facelifts

Facelift recovery varies from patient to patient and depends on a large number of variables. Just as every patient is unique, the chosen procedure for he or she is unique as well. The differences in wound-healing characteristics and the type of procedure performed account for variations in facelift recovery.

Most patients feel pretty good in about four to five days, but their primary concerns are when they will look good enough to go out in public. Recovery following facelift surgery may last for months, but most patients feel they can go out in public in about two weeks. At this point, most of the bruising and swelling have resolved. Many patients adjust their hairstyle to hide their incisions and use make-up as well.

It’s important to emphasize that recovery periods are variable and depend not only on the patients’ wound-healing characteristics and the surgical technique utilized, but also on the patients’ tolerance for changes that may occur following facelift surgery.