Rhinoplasty Recovery

Recovery following rhinoplasty for most patients is less difficult than they expect. In the immediate post-operative period, they can anticipate pain, swelling, bruising, and congestion associated with difficulty breathing through the nose. Pain following rhinoplasty is easily controlled with narcotic pain medications in the first 48 hours.  After 48 hours, most patients are switched to double strength Tylenol.

Patients typically have bruising and swelling following rhinoplasty and this is more noticeable if the nasal bones are fractured. This typically lasts one to two weeks following surgery. The swelling and bruising obviously affects the patient’s appearance postoperatively. It also leads to swelling of the internal nasal structures, which leads to congestion and difficulty breathing through nose.

Most patients are surprised by how good they feel two to three days following surgery. Depending upon their employment, social situation, and the severity of bruising and swelling following surgery, patients may not be ready to return to work for one to two weeks following surgery.
Most routine activities are resumed in seven to ten days and strenuous activities can be resumed in four to six weeks following surgery. Small amounts of residual swelling may persist for up to one year following rhinoplasty.
After 48 hours, the typical rhinoplasty patient feels good, but continues to have significant bruising and swelling. Although they feel better, they don’t feel good enough to go out in public because of their appearance. The swelling and bruising usually resolves in about two weeks and at that time patients are able to resume most of their normal activities.