Ultrasonic Liposuction

A large number of liposuction techniques are currently available for treating localized areas of fat. These techniques have specific indications and are often associated with unique advantages and disadvantages.

Ultrasonic liposuction which is also known as ultrasonic assisted liposuction utilizes high energy sound waves to destroy fat cells. This process is known as cavitation and results in the formation of an oily material which is then removed by standard liposuction techniques.

In the vast majority of situations, ultrasonic liposuction offers no significant advantages over tumescent liposuction. However, when fat deposits are associated with fibrous tissue ultrasonic liposuction may offer unique advantages. This technique is therefore often utilized in the flanks and chest of men. 

If you’re considering ultrasonic liposuction, it’s important to consult a board-certified plastic surgeon. This surgeon should be able to formulate an appropriate treatment plan for your condition.