Abdominoplasty, Mini Abdominoplasty, Liposuction, or Coolsculpting: How Do I Choose?

At Surgical Images, we see many patients who have concerns about the appearance of their abdomen. Many of these patients present because of the effects of pregnancy, massive weight loss, over eating, or lack of exercise. Most of them have tried diet and exercise and despite this, have been unable to solve their problem. These patients have difficulty finding clothes that fit properly and feel that people stare at them. This often results in lowered self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-image. For those reasons, they seek plastic surgery consultations.

There are multiple options available for treating abnormalities of the abdominal wall. These include: coolsculpting, abdominoplasty, mini abdominoplasty, and liposuction of the abdomen. Often, patients aren’t certain about which procedure is most likely to accomplish their aesthetic goals. This is important because these procedures have different levels of complexity, pain, recovery, and cost. It’s not unusual for patients to express an interest in a specific procedure and then during the consultation find out that it will not accomplish their goals. For these reasons, a comprehensive evaluation is essential to obtain an optimal result.

Coolsculpting is the simplest of these procedures. It utilizes an external device which exposes the fat to low temperatures. The procedure results in about 20% of the treated fat cells dying. This takes approximately three to four months to occur. The procedure does not require anesthesia and patients are able to resume normal activities immediately following the procedure. Coolsculpting is associated with minimal pain, recovery, and cost. Its major disadvantage is the limited amount of fat removed with each application.

Another option is liposuction of the abdomen. This procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia. It has relatively short recovery, is affordable, and has a low complication rate. The procedure involves passing a cannula through the subcutaneous tissue while applying suction, which ultimately removes the cells. High satisfaction rates are associated with this procedure. Its major drawbacks include: less effectiveness in patients with weak abdominal muscles, loose skin, and large amounts of fat.

Mini and full abdominoplasty are procedures that tighten the abdominal muscles while removing excess fat and skin. Full abdominoplasty removes excess skin above and below the belly button and requires detachment of the belly button. Mini abdominoplasty removes skin below the belly button and does not require detachment of the belly button.

For patients with severe abdominal wall deformities, it’s essential that the appropriate procedure be chosen to correct the problems. Proper analysis of the skin laxity, muscle tightness, and the amount of fat present are important components of this evaluation. Using this approach, the best procedure can be chosen and the best result obtained.