Liposuction for Men

Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedures in men. The flanks, abdomen, chest, and neck appear to be the most commonly treated areas. This procedure is
associated with high satisfaction rates when patients are near their ideal body weight.

Liposuction in men has limitations because the fat tends to be more fibrous. In addition, a large amount of the abdominal fat is located within the abdominal cavity where it can’t be reached by a liposuction canula. These characteristics can limit the amount of fat that can be removed with this procedure. Men generally have thicker skin than women and as a result, skin sag is less likely to occur in this group.In some cases, ultrasonic liposuction has been found to be helpful when performing liposuction on men. In theory, this procedure results in skin tightening as well.

If you’re considering this procedure, it’s important to meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon that has experience performing male liposuction. A careful evaluation will be undertaken to determine what type of procedure is best for you.

In some cases, more aggressive procedures will be indicated because of skin laxity. In patients with localized fat collections with good skin tone, male liposuction gives excellent results and is associated with high patient satisfaction rates.