The Management of Breast Asymmetry

Breast asymmetry is an extremely common problem amongst women. In most cases, this is relatively minor and women aren’t bothered by it. Occasionally, it can be severe and treatment is necessary.

A multitude of options can be used to treat this problem. These may include breast reduction, breast lift, breast augmentation, or various combinations of these procedures.

It’s important to realize every patient is unique. They have specific aesthetic goals and unique anatomic findings. The specific treatment for any individual patient will depend entirely upon these issues.

In most cases, the goal of symmetry is most easily accomplished with a bilateral procedure. Occasionally, a unilateral procedure will suffice, but this is unusual.

When the goal is to make the smaller breast larger, the simplest solution is a unilateral breast implant. Unfortunately, if the size differential between the two breasts is small, there may not be a small enough implant to correct the problem. Under these circumstances, bilateral breast augmentation may be necessary. If sag is present, a breast lift may be necessary as well.

In some cases, the larger breast may be the primary concern. Under these circumstances, a unilateral breast reduction may be necessary. Occasionally, it’s necessary to perform a procedure on the opposite breast for symmetry. These might include a lesser breast reduction, breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast lift in combination with breast augmentation.

Every patient needs to be considered individually. The treatment plan should be appropriate for their anatomy and aesthetic goals. If you’re considering correction of breast asymmetry, it’s important that you meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon. He or she can help you determine which option is best for you.